Water & Wastewater Departments / EMA
GIS Layer Update
Through a sub- contract agreement with EMA Inc., a Water/Wastewater consulting firm, DMS updated both the spatial and attribute data of the City’s Water Utility GIS layers. DMS utilized all existing information from approximately 2500 water project as-builts and 2000 wastewater project as-builts, a system map book, and tie -drawings of the water features in order to complete the update process. The total number of point and line features that required attribute updates was 92,531 for water and 35,268 for wastewater. The total number of new projects that were digitized, fully attributed, and added to the layers amounted to 145 for water and 98 for wastewater. DMS converted the City’s existing Genamap formatted files into State Plane, NAD83, South Zone shapefiles in order to complete all the updates and additions. All file processing including tile processing, projecting, and updating was performed using the ESRI ArcMap product suite.